Essential Oil Set ( 6 in 1)


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Essential oils are concentrated extracts of various plants. Practitioners use them in natural and alternative health practices, such as aromatherapy and naturopathy.

Essential oils often have a much stronger smell than the plants they come from and contain higher levels of active ingredients. This is due to the amount of plant matter required to make essential oils.

Manufacturers use essential oils to create a rangeof products. The cosmetic and makeup industry uses essential oils to create perfumes, add fragrance to creams and body washes, and even as sources of natural antioxidants in some beauty care products.

Many natural medicine practitioners, such as aromatherapists, use essential oils. Aromatherapyinvolves diffusing these essential oils into the air.

Aromatherapists believe breathing in essential oils might allow them to enter the lungs and bloodstream, where some potentially helpful compounds may benefit the body.

essential oil

floral & citrus, floral set, woody & spice


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